Job Readiness Workshops

Job readiness workshops aim to equip you with the skills needed to secure a fantastic job. Discover the art of crafting a polished resume, mastering the art of completing applications with precision, excelling in interviews, and effectively managing your finances upon securing that dream job.

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WIOA Programs


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Educational & Training Opportunities 

Every job seeker in West Central Arkansas has the chance and access to specialized education and training that can lead to a career with gainful employment. We put a lot of effort into removing obstacles for hard-to-reach groups like veterans and their eligible spouses, returning citizens, kids who have outgrown foster care, individuals with impairments, and the homeless.

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Business Solutions for Employers

Our Business Service Team determines the best approaches to help in the development of a workforce. We work hard to offer long-term strategic services and economic solutions to the sectors that make our region desirable. We assist businesses in overcoming the difficulties associated with attracting, retaining, nurturing, and sustaining a pipeline of competent job applicants.

Workforce Centers

List of Services

Workforce Development Board

*Some photos courtesy of Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism