Basic career services

Each center has computers, printers, copiers, printed resources, and staff to assist jobseekers.

Job search assistance

Career exploration

Unemployment Insurance Information

Hiring events, job fairs, and other workforce activities.

Labor market information on Industry, Wage, Occupation, and Employment. They can also access other career resources, publications and the Labor Market Information Library.


Individualized career services

Outreach, intake, and orientation

Initial assessment

Labor exchange services

Eligibility determination

Referrals to programs

Performance and cost information

Information on unemployment insurance

Financial aid information

Follow-up services

Individual employment plan (IEP)

Career planning and counseling

Comprehensive assessment

Occupational skills assessment

Short-term prevocational services,

Internship and work experience

Workforce preparation

Out-of-area job search

English language acquisition

Financial literacy


Training Services

Occupational skills training

On-the-job training

Registered apprenticeships

Incumbent worker training

Skill upgrading and retaining

Entrepreneurial training

Adult education and activities