As a patron of the Arkansas Workforce Centers in the West Central area, you are eligible for a broad menu of services whether you are an employer or job seeker.
Employer Services May Include:
- Job Postings
- Job Screening
- Provide information on the Arkansas Career Readiness Certificate. (This is a portable credential signed by the Governor that confirms to employers that applicants have the basic workplace skills in reading for information, applied mathematics, and locating information skills that all jobs require.)
- Provide meeting and interviewing space
- Provide State and Federal law posters at no cost to the employer
- Provide information on the Work Opportunity tax Credit to employers
- Employer fee for service to do background and drivers checks
- Available useable labor market information
- Help organize job fairs
For direction on any of the Employer Services listed contact Cora Easterday at 501-760-0014 or email
Want to submit a request for services now?
Help us improve!
Tell us about your recent experience with WCAPDD and the Arkansas Workforce Center:
Business Services Request
Prestley Smith
Digital Media Coordinator
West Central Arkansas Planning and Development District
Rebekah Cox
Program Supervisor
Arkansas Division of Workforce Services
Stephanie Brown
Resource Room Facilitator/Business Engagement Assistant
West Central Arkansas Planning and Development District
*Some photos courtesy of Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism