Board consist of County Judges of each of the West Central Arkansas Planning and Development District and the Mayors of those Cities. The CEO Board organizes and points the workforce development board. As the Grant Recipient, it also oversees funding allocations within the region.
Board of Directors
The governing body of the WCAPDD is composed of thirty-three (33) members of the Board of Directors, composed of twenty-one (21) local elected officials and twelve (12) private citizens representing the various social and economic elements of the population. Each of the ten (10) participating counties in the District is represented by two or three (2-3) board members.
Workforce Development Board
The Workforce Development Board is mandated by federal legislation to oversee public investments in employment and training programs. This responsibility is accomplished through the activities of the West Central Arkansas Workforce Development Area.
*Some photos courtesy of Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism
The Workforce Development Board of West Central Arkansas invites public comment regarding the Local Plan for PY24 – PY27. Comments will be accepted through September 19, 2024, and should be emailed to