Workforce Development Board

The Workforce Development Board of West Central Arkansas is a ten-county regional organization made up of Clark, Conway, Garland, Hot Spring, Johnson, Montgomery, Perry, Pike, Pope and Yell county leaders from business, education, labor and government, with the majority of its board members representing the private business sector.

The mission of the Workforce Development Board is to set the vision, policy direction and performance expectations for the West Central Arkansas workforce system.

West Central Arkansas Planning and Development District is the Administrative Entity, Fiscal Agent and Title I-B Service Provider for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). WCAPDD provides the financial administration and certain programmatic activities for the Arkansas Workforce Centers which are located within our service area. WCAPDD also serves as staff for the West Central Arkansas Workforce Development Board.

The One Stop Operator for the West Central Arkansas Workforce Development Area is Arkansas Division of Workforce Services (ADWS) as consortium lead.

Our Vision

The strategic vision of the Workforce Development Board of West Central Arkansas focuses on preparing an educated and skilled workforce, including youth and individuals facing barriers to employment. Our goals align with the Arkansas Workforce Development Board’s vision by prioritizing the needs of vulnerable populations such as veterans, individuals with disabilities, and low-income earners, etc.

To support local economic growth and foster economic self-sufficiency, we emphasize the following:

1. Developing robust partnerships with employers, educational institutions, workforce development partners, and community organizations to equip a skilled workforce that meets current and emerging industry needs.

2. Enhancing service delivery to employers and jobseekers through streamlined intake processes, integrated data systems, and expanded virtual service access points.

3. Increasing awareness of our talent development system through comprehensive outreach campaigns and user-friendly technology solutions.

4. Addressing skills gaps through systematic skills analysis, targeted action plans, and ongoing program alignment with industry demands.

These efforts ensure that our area’s workforce is well-prepared, contributing to sustained economic prosperity and opportunities for all residents of West Central Arkansas.

WIOA Documents

Youth Program Elements Guide 2023

Program Elements MOU