Southwest Central Regional Solid Waste Management District
The Southwest Central Regional Solid Waste Management District is hereby soliciting sealed proposals to provide Electronic Waste Disposal Services. Sealed proposals will be received by the Office of Administrator until 2:00PM CT, October 23, 2024. Proposals will be received only at the West Central Arkansas Planning and Development District, Inc. at the address shown below.
All proposals must be submitted in accordance with the RFP specifications which may be obtained during normal business hours from:
Courtney Decker
Southwest Central Regional Solid Waste Management District
c/o West Central Arkansas Planning and Development District, Inc.
1000 Central Ave.
Post Office Box 6409
Hot Springs, Arkansas 71902-6409
(501) 525-7577
Proposals will be evaluated in accordance with the specifications.
The Southwest Central Regional Solid Waste Management District reserves the right to accept part or all of any specific proposal(s). The District further reserves the right to reject all proposals or part or all of any specific proposal, to hold all proposals in force and effect for sixty (60) calendar days after date of opening, to waive any informalities in the proposal(s) and to postpone or cancel the proposal opening date for cause or convenience.
The Southwest Central Regional Solid Waste Management District is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer.