The Hot Springs Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) was designated in 2003. The MPO adopted its current name, Tri-Lakes MPO, in 2013. Notably, federal regulations require MPOs to be designated in urbanized areas with a population of at least 50,000 people; in order to carryout a Continuing, Cooperative, and Comprehensive (3-C) performance-based, multimodal, metropolitan transportation planning process. As such, the MPO’s planning partners include but are not limited to the following: FHWA, FTA, ARDOT, Garland County, City of Hot Springs (including Hot Springs Intracity Transit – HSIT), Hot Springs Village, Town of Fountain Lake, City of Mountain Pine, Greater Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce; Hot Spring County, and the general members of the public. The Tri-Lakes MPO is a branch of the West Central Arkansas Planning and Development District (WCAPDD). Therefore, all MPO meetings (unless otherwise mentioned) are held at the WCAPDD at 10:00 am at 1000 Central Avenue, Hot Springs, AR 71901.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact the MPO’s Study Director Derrick Harris or 1000 Central Avenue – 71901, Hot Springs, AR. 501-525-7577.